Abstract: “The frontal pole (Brodmann area 10, BA10) is the largest cytoarchitectonic region of the human cortex, performing complex integrative functions. BA10 undergoes intensive adolescent grey matter pruning prior to the age of onset for bipolar disorder (BP) and schizophrenia (SCHIZ), and its dysfunction is likely to underly aspects of their shared symptomology. In this study, we investigated the role of BA10 neurotransmission-related gene expression in BP and SCHIZ. …”

Medina AM, Hagenauer MH, Krolewski DM, Hughes E, Forrester LCT, Walsh DM, Waselus M, Richardson E, Turner CA, Sequeira PA, Cartagena PM, Thompson RC, Vawter MP, Bunney BG, Myers RM, Barchas JD, Lee FS, Schatzberg AF, Bunney WE, Akil H, Watson SJ Jr. Neurotransmission-related gene expression in the frontal pole is altered in subjects with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Transl Psychiatry. 2023 Apr 8;13(1):118. doi: 10.1038/s41398-023-02418-1. PMID: 37031222; PMCID:




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