Postoperative cognitive dysfunction is a decline in cognitive function that occurs after surgery. The purpose of this study was to estimate the incidence of postoperative cognitive dysfunction and identify potential risk factors in older adults undergoing major non-cardiac surgery.
A total of 69 patients aged 65 years or older undergoing major noncardiac surgery were enrolled in this study. Patients’ cognitive function was assessed before and 3 months after surgery using a computerized neurocognitive battery. A nonsurgical control group of 54 older adults was recruited to adjust for learning effects from repeated administration of neurocognitive tests. Data about potential risk factors were collected before, during, and after surgery, including patient, medication, and surgery factors.
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction was observed in 15.9% of older adults after major non-cardiac surgery. Risk factors included carrying the APOE4 genotype, using one or more highly anticholinergic or sedative-hypnotic drugs prior to surgery, and receiving sevoflurane for anesthesia.
Shoair OA, Grasso Ii MP, Lahaye LA, Daniel R, Biddle CJ and Slattum PW: Incidence and risk factors for postoperative cognitive dysfunction in older adults undergoing major noncardiac surgery: A prospective study. J. Anaesthesiol. Clin. Pharmacol. 31(1): 30-36 (2015).


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